
Without offence

I’ve been collecting material to neglect for this blog for over a year, so I’ll try to at least keep it active while I’m actually in London.

My general approach to blogging about comedy is not going to be one of critical assessment – reviewing anything is a simple exercise in subjectivity, but reviewing comedy is extremely so – that is one of the things about it that fascinates me the most; not only how comedians are bound to be both adored or reviled depending on who’s watching, but also how their material can soar one night, and the same routines die horribly the next. Continue Reading »

If there is one thing that new media darling Twitter really does well, it is comedy and comedians. The 140 character message limit is a perfect frame for the streamlined joke, and the stalker aspect allows you to watch, comment and if you’re lucky, occasionally interact with your chosen entertainers. Here I will take a quick first look at some of the UK comics on Twitter.

By searching for your favorites, or adding people as they occasionally pop up talking to someone else, you can quickly personalize your ‘collection’.  And it is fascinating to watch exactly how sociable and closely-knit a group these comedians are. Do they all know each other? Continue Reading »

Hello again. I’ve got a lot of tales to tell, not least from my summer, but first a few words about what we have here. Off to the right you will find a collection of incredibly useful and possibly even amusing links, that are so impressive you will never need to have any reason to come back here, except to find them again.

Let’s take the ‘Comedy Resources’ first. Chortle is the most comprehensive site for things laughable in the UK, with news, gig lists, excellent reviews and a gigantic list of comedians, the latter is so useful I’ve given it its own link. Check here first to find out who’s on where in the UK, and who’s who, and why.

After you realize Continue Reading »

Another blog?

When having trouble keeping up a themed blog, sometimes the solution is another. It’s either that, or just have one where you can rant and witter on about anything, but having started one that is a bit related to work or news on the home scene, then it just seems natural to have a themed blog. So this one is for not work on the home scene.

It’s about my favorite place in the great big world, and what I think is worth seeing and doing there. So it will be about amazing or amusing things happening there, and might be of interest to anyone thinking of passing through – but it will mostly be about laughing in London.

Because London has an uparalleled comedy scene. And also because I cannot think of any better way to spend one’s time or money than in the pursuit of laughter.